Wednesday 3 November 2010

Boujou Tracking
Familiarizing myself with boujou.

My confidence with this programme is growing day by day, I’ve just finished tracking some shots I made earlier in the weeks and went onto adding some simple object to it, messed around with the lighting to gathered the best result which I was fairly pleased with, then began rendering, and this was an area in which I discovered a problem. Render time, the shadow in the scene caused the render time to increase and this is the main assets to the believability of the objects. In this particular case I have used two area lights mimicking the suns ray with addition ray trace shadows, a sample rate of 2. Taking around 40 seconds to 1 minute this could prove to be quite inexpensive in terms of time so I’ll have to consider this when constructing my scenes.

The recorded footage shown below are small shots taken in my back garden a nice location as I was fortunate to capture them in morning sun light. The main programmes used were boujou 4 and Maya 2010. Basic textured blocks in the first track and the model of my logo was imported in the other two tracks to demonstrate higher res model in action.
 An important discovery was made whilst watching some boujou tracking tutorials online. Found that having the use of the scene geometry control in boujou, quite a unique feature as it allows you to change the orientation of the grid (shown in the first screenshot) it enables you to relate to the grid in Maya because it translates in Maya when imported. The advantage of this is a time saver figuring out your barring in Maya the tracked points may become an issue in terms of where the horizon sits and where the ground is placed.

The process of using the scene geometry is simply taking the solved points of your track and using them to determine where you would personally like for the grid to be placed. Takes some time to getting use to, the axis in particular (x,y,z) however leaves you with a nice result.

Taking in account that this track was my first, there are is an issue which you can see when playing the shot. The models have a slight motion vibrating on the surface this is due to the boujou track which wasn’t very clean. I solved problem in the next compositions, again the tracking is important and needs to be reviewed when competed to ensure a clear animation but despite this overall happy with first attempt

The second track in a different scenario, you can see here the model of my logo and how things look much neater also smoother.

The last of the tracks in a much wider area of my garden, fairly pleased with the end results, it was quite surprising how long these actually took to create but I’m glad this has prepared me for drastic considerations when compiling my final shots.
Seeking aide from online videos to help improve my knowledge of boujou. Another medium used was Gnomon DVD’s (Boujou 1: creating shot tracking and evaluation/Boujou 2: matchmoveing and integrating.) camera tracking with Stephen McClure. Picked up the very basics and essentials of tracking in boujou, some interesting features where singled out. Just to note up to lecture 6/7 was watched, so now I’ll look to evaluate the rest of the DVD and see what else I can establish. Feel that I’m now ready to move onto more advanced uses of boujou.

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