Thursday 25 November 2010

Modelling Phase: 1

Okay, I’m glad to say the production is now official underway, what I’d like to do is tackle the challenges of the character models as I feel this is the stage in which will be the most time consuming, it will require six different models two for each character. These models once finessed will be rigged as well skinned.

The majority of my time has been spent modelling the basic structure of the characters body as phase 1, there not quite finished still in need of some refinement however capture the shape and size I’m looking for, the next stage will be to create the head and legs plus any additional features such as the tails claws and so forth.
Bear Model
Bird Model
 Hound Model


Jengy Monster! said...

These are cool. I'm curious--did you start this with box modelling or extruding faces? Cool stuff!

Rdhillon said...

Hi there,
thanks for your comment box modelling was used here for these characters.