Thursday 19 November 2009


Seminar for the post-modernism Essay was held in lecture theatre one unfortunately missed the how to write the Essay prior to this with Tracey Ashmore, I wasn’t to aware of what I was going to be write about the issues seemed the same for most of the group I remember one guy talking about Wallace and Grommet and other talking about war hammer also the whole 2nd life business was raised by a student, I like the entire idea of social networking sites taking over ordinary lives in some respect, divorcing someone because they cheated in a virtual world is a complete joke however it shows how serious SOME! of the society are taking it ….hmm very interesting however felt lost from the whole Essay thing, so the group had given an open conversation from Phil about what approaches to take I had my own idea of a few key routes from the lectures previously that can become a main topic in my Essay writing and shared this with Phil.

Metanarrative was the 1st intended area I wanted to look into however it become clear from the seminar discussion this may be too complicated then thought a lot of issues regarding political cultural famous figures of the ear such as President Barack Obama is associated with this field of research ‘postmodernism is power’. My next target I set my eyes on was Meta fiction, learning that fiction about fiction when you set your mind to it can become quite fascinating, Films such as Mulholland Drive, Pulp Fictions and Moulin Rouge depict this perfectly... ohhh and not to mention Funny Games. Perhaps I could base my research around this area along side the whole (Meta) phrase having more then one category as it can be merged in the midst of the postmodern genre.

A story, narrative or theory which claims to be above the ordinary or local accounts of social life. Postmodernists claim that the majority of the writings of Marx, Durkheim, Weber are offered as metanarratives, presented as capturing universal properties of social life and thus superior to local or more grounded stories. Postmodernist social theorists argue for a return to the local, the rejection of grand theory and a privileged position for science and its narratives, and an acknowledgment of the inherently political nature of all narratives.

Metafiction is a term given to fictional writing which self-consciously and systematically draws attention to its status as an artifact in order to pose questions about the relationship between fiction and reality. In providing a critique of their own methods of construction, such writings not only examine the fundamental structures of narrative fiction, they also explore the possible functionality of the world outside the literary fictional text.

I’m going to re-think about what my arguments are going to be in my postmodernism Essay structurally, starting by diving into the lecture notes once again and find some relationships between some terms and information some of this already includes eugenics, deconstruction, binary oppositions and Eugenics, Tod had an interesting idea of using the urinal shown in the lectures, I’m not entirely sure what the argument was in relation to postmodernism was however it involve meta narratives which is an area I might have to consider, the next stage is speak to Tod and find out his thoughts. Generally further investigation into something that’s completely anonymous like Postmodernism (‘Postmodernism is difficult’) can be hard to get a grasp of although the deeper I dive the better it becomes to understanding it.

1 comment:

tutorphil said...

Hi Raj,

Good to see you getting to grips with 'Po-Mo' - but I still detect some confusion; Duchamp's Urinal fits into the po-mo debate because, for some, it represents an 'indeterminate' - or an 'aporia' - that is, something that cannot be decided. (I.e. is it art or is it a urinal? The truth cannot, finally be decided). Postmodern practice is a fan of 'aporias' because indeterminate ideas 'problematize' our relationship to the 'fixed view' of the world and our role within it (Postmodernism, remember, is suspicious of fixed or closed categories or ideas that seek to be 'truthful' - because the 'truth' is an individual fiction - therefore, to keep an idea 'in play' - to stop it being an 'either/or' - is seen by postmodernists as being more 'truthful', that is, more representative of 'how the world REALLY is'). Mulholland Drive is an 'aporia' too - a film that WON"T confirm it's own narrative or genre, preferring instead to 'keep things in play'...

Put very simply, Postmodernism likes things to be open and ambiguous, as opposed to closed and definitive...