Sunday, 23 January 2011

The last of my Minor

Submission day was a very stressful time for me, taking things down to the wire of the deadline I continued working all through the night as I have been throughout the week sacrificing sleep and failed to hand-in the final piece (the animation), this was due my hard drive breaking down 3am for no apparent real reason as I was working, I genuinely thought I could finish despite the time left but this mishap stopped me in my tracks, luck wasn’t on my side that day. All my renders and fully tracked final file had been saved on the hard drive with my animated Maya character files so there was no way of recovery. I was devastated left to hand-in what had been produced up until the initial deadline date.

Despite my misfortune I have to take in account aspects of my project which have really shone though such as the characters development into there resolved state plus the major challenges I brought to my plate understanding the power of boujou to the construction of my characters animation.

I have to forget what has happened and not dwell on the past but take the positives and move forward try finish this degree on a high. I understand I can’t go back to change what has happened and the grade I receive may not reflect my potential which is a real blow. This post displays some of my backed up files before they had been worked on and an example of what my final piece may have been like.

Integrating with Boujou

whilst things are rendering i'm tacking i little time out to get up to date with the blog posts and get some more content up, so here are the boujou tracking files on display covering the tracking and solving of each indivual scene, the boujou tracking was one of the most unforseen set backs in my project tacking longer then expected. unlike the shots done previously for my practise tracking the orenitetion of my grid did not quite sit the same as the grid in the past attemts .It requieered abit more time and focus this time round which contunied eating my time also in conjunction with this seen as my scenes where darker(less clear for boujou to read) the settings for the track needed to be much more precise to get the best result.

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Bear Character Taster

My characters are on the last leg of the animation pipeline soon I'll distribute some more taster samples, the connection between my character alchemy concepts share a huge resemblance so therefore i feel something great has been achieved here and sufficiently important to bringing the project togther as a whole. Plenty more to come.. watch this space!

Bear character model with dynamics ncloth shards

Monday, 17 January 2011

Character Walk Cycles

I have gone from the completion of my characters to the animation phase and developed the walk cycles for each, in addition this has allowed establish the rigs and ascertain the function of the it too. Not only did the walk cycles increase my knowledge of the important principles quadruped animation holds which requires extensive research and analyse but also has shown me the similarities to a human cycle which in turn saved time as I have experienced producing.

So here’s a taster of the characters at work (Maya blast) and (Maya renders wireframe surface shader). You can see a sense of what can be achieved the desired effect I’m looking for.

Monday, 10 January 2011

Characters Complete!
It’s been a while sine I have last posted, however I’m back. Due to up coming deadlines this month things have maintained at a pace time is ticking down. hats said my time has been spent very wisely and ready to reveal some strong content. Despite the challenging nature of what I set out to do all three character have been completed, fully rigged skinned and the controls have been set to the standard in which I require them.

My characters in an individual sense by far one of the most longest and challenging to tasks to date, baring in mind the whole quadruped skinning/rigging was new to me, I feel much more confidence having perform the separate tasks, things progressed at a steady pace many thanks to Alan for his help and introducing me to the digital tutor DVD which flows a steps by step analysis of a horse character from start to finish.
So now lets get back to my project, interims of my minor the tasks left, have narrowed and time now is of the essence, animating my character is top priority at the moment as the rendering of my animation will follow. Setting these aside the blurb document arrived ahead of schedule with a neat finish .Additional preparations have been taken currently the project is in the region of about 80-85% complete.

I’ll look to exemplify some poses, ready the animation sequence, track shots accordingly, render sense with sequence and finish up with the post production of my animation.